A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Real-time data ====== Live data was switched off. See [[carambola_pachube_nexus|weather station]] instead. <html> <img src="http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109/datastreams/0.png?width=500&height=200&colour=F15A24&duration=24hours&detailed_grid=true&show_axis_labels=true&timezone=+2&l=Temperature [*C]" class="media" alt="" width="500" /> <br> <img src="http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109/datastreams/1.png?width=500&height=200&colour=F15A24&duration=24hours&detailed_grid=true&show_axis_labels=true&timezone=+2&l=Humidity" class="media" alt="" width="500" /> <br> <img src="http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109/datastreams/2.png?width=500&height=200&colour=F15A24&duration=24hours&detailed_grid=true&show_axis_labels=true&timezone=+2&l=Pressure [Pa]" class="media" alt="" width="500" /> </html> ====== Register ====== {{:pachube_register.png?nolink&500|}} ====== Get API key ====== Get Pachube API key from [[https://pachube.com/users/sauliusl/keys|here]] {{:pachube_api-keys.png?nolink&500|}} ====== Prepare carambola ====== Install curl. * Build custom firmware with enabled USB serial port support: Under ''Kernel modules / USB support / kmod-usb-serial'' select all drivers if you are unsure which one you have or ''kmod-usb-serial-ftdi'' in our case. {{:carambola_usb_serial_drivers2.png?nolink&500|}} Also good idea to select curl in advance. Or just do ''opkg install curl'' on your carambola after [[carambola_where_to_start|uploaded new firmware]]. ====== Create new feed ====== [[https://pachube.com/feeds/new|Create new feed]] ====== Upload data ====== Create test data at ''/tmp/pachube.json'': { "version":"1.0.0", "datastreams":[ {"id":"0", "current_value":"28.70"}, {"id":"1", "current_value":"41.37"}, {"id":"2", "current_value":"99813.8"} ] } Uplaod data: curl -X PUT -d @pachube.json -H "X-PachubeApiKey: --------API_KEY-------" -v http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109 ====== Results ====== You can view demo data [[https://pachube.com/feeds/35109|here]] {{:pachube_graph1.png?nolink&500|}} ====== Links ====== * [[http://api.pachube.com/v2/|API description]] * [[http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109/datastreams/0.png?width=500&height=200&colour=F15A24&duration=24hours&detailed_grid=true&show_axis_labels=true&timezone=+2&l=Temperature|Direct link to temperature .png file using v2 API]] * [[https://pachube.com/feeds/35109/datastreams/0/history.png?w=500&h=200&c=9999FF&b=true&g=true&l=Temperature&s=6|Direct link to temperature .png file using v1 API]] ====== Further explanation ====== Previously mentioned example is running sparkfun [[http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10586|weather board]] with customized firmware. It prints data every second to serial port at 9600bps. Carambola and sparkfun weather board are connected using USB cable. {{:cimg9538.jpg?nolink&|}} Data format looks like: t1:025.12, t2:025.15, hum:036.54, pres:99750.5, light:1002 t1:025.15, t2:025.17, hum:036.55, pres:99750.0, light:1000 t1:025.16, t2:025.19, hum:036.51, pres:99751.0, light:1001 I wrote small program which collects data from serial port and creates pachube.json file on /tmp. This program, together with curl command, is called every minute using crond. root@OpenWrt:/tmp# crontab -l # Minute Hour Day of Month Month Day of Week Command # (0-59) (0-23) (1-31) (1-12 or Jan-Dec) (0-6 or Sun-Sat) * * * * * weather >/tmp/pachube.json; curl -X PUT -d @/tmp/pachube.json -H "X-PachubeApiKey: --------API_KEY-------" -v http://api.pachube.com/v2/feeds/35109 ====== C code for carambola ====== see [[carambola_simple_serial_example|here]] ====== C code for weather station ====== [[8devices.com/wiki_carambola/data/media/weather.zip|weather.zip]] you should use WinAVR to compile it (*.hex file included in archive) Original documentation and source code can be found [[http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10586|here]]. This example is running on older PCB, but it should run on newer modification. ====== LUA for carambola ====== TODO ====== TODO ====== Google gadgets API http://apps.pachube.com/google_viz/

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