==== About ==== There are several microchips around which talks SPI which allows to measure physical values like temperature, light intensity, magnetic field, acceleration etc and also to control leds, motors etc. It's not difficult to look at a device specification and code a small driver in python using [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/SPIlib/|SPIlib]] To use it, first install SPIlib: cd /tmp wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/SPIlib/SPIlib-0.1.0.tar.gz tar xvz SPIlib-0.1.0.tar.gz cd SPIlib-0.1.0 python setup.py install See the [[http://pypi.python.org/pypi/SPIlib|documentation]] on how to use library. Here is an example driver for an accelerometer: <code> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This example prints acceleration values from a ST LIS302DL 3d accelerometer. """ from spi import SPIDev, spi_transfer import struct # write and read operations are defined in the datasheet, those are convenience # functions to do a read or write command. Probably other devices use different # rules def write(addr, data, auto_increment=False): """ prepare the command to write a register from the accel""" a_i = int(auto_increment) << 6 out = chr(addr | a_i) + data return out def read(addr, auto_increment=False): """ prepare the command to read a register from the accel""" out = chr(addr | 1 << 7 | int(auto_increment) << 6) return out #setup device s = SPIDev('/dev/spidev0.0') cmd = read(0xf) # identify chip command # build a 1 byte write transfer (identify chip) cmdtransfer, cmdbuf, _ = spi_transfer(cmd, readlen=0) #build a 1 byte read transfer (reply from the chip) valtransfer, _, rbuf = spi_transfer(None, readlen=1) # actually do the transfer s.do_transfers([cmdtransfer, valtransfer]) assert rbuf.raw == ';', "device not connected?" cmd = write(0x20, chr(0b0100 << 4 | 0b0111)) # control register, power on cmdtransfer, cmdbuf, _ = spi_transfer(cmd, readlen=0) s.do_transfers([cmdtransfer]) cmd = write(0x21, chr(0b0001 << 4 | 0b0000)) # highpass cmdtransfer, cmdbuf, _ = spi_transfer(cmd, readlen=0) s.do_transfers([cmdtransfer]) cmdx = read(0x29) # read x axis command # prepare transfer cmdxt, cmdbufx, _ = spi_transfer(cmdx, readlen=0) cmdy = read(0x2b) # read y axis cmdyt, cmdbufy, _ = spi_transfer(cmdy, readlen=0) cmdz = read(0x2d) # read z axis cmdzt, cmdbufz, _ = spi_transfer(cmdz, readlen=0) cmdstatus = read(0x27) cmdstatust, cmdbufstat, _ = spi_transfer(cmdstatus, readlen=0) valtransfer, _, rbuf = spi_transfer(None, readlen=1) while True: s.do_transfers([cmdstatust, valtransfer]) ready = ord(rbuf.raw[0]) & 1 << 3 if not ready: continue s.do_transfers([cmdxt, valtransfer]) x = struct.unpack("b", rbuf.raw)[0] s.do_transfers([cmdyt, valtransfer]) y = struct.unpack("b", rbuf.raw)[0] s.do_transfers([cmdzt, valtransfer]) z = struct.unpack("b", rbuf.raw)[0] v = int((x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) ** (0.5)) print "x:{0:4} y:{1:4} z:{2:4}, v:{3:4}".format(x, y, z, v) </code>